Web Developer Interview Help

7 min readFeb 1, 2022


Like other jobs, web developer jobs require a resume and cover letter during the application process. Subsequently, when you are invited for a job interview, make sure you have good body language, are an active listener, and effectively communicate with the hiring manager.



In a Web Developer interview, you can expect questions assessing your technical and soft skills. Your Web Developer skills and experience will be tested for the technical portion. While soft skills include your communication between clients, time management, and the ability to prepare to answer the technical question that the client might ask. An interviewer may ask questions about web design, languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, jQuery, WordPress, SEO, and other web development tools and processes.

What question does an interviewer?

The hiring manager asks many different questions about this profession, such as technical, personal, leadership and communication, behavioral, and development-related questions. Because they want to know your communication skills when talking to customers and also they want to know how much knowledge about web development skill you have and how much you understand about the company you apply for.

Technical questions include:

  • Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page or app?
  • What specific languages are you working with?
  • Which web development tools do you use?
  • If you have five different style sheets, how would you best integrate them into the site?
  • How do you organize your JavaScript code?
  • How do you manage your time during a development cycle? What methods do you use for estimating how long specific development tasks will take?

Personal questions include:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Talk about your preferred development environment.
  • Tell me about the projects you're working on (or have worked on) in your spare time.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • What got you into coding? Why are you interested in a career as a Web Developer?
  • What are your interests outside of development?
  • What kind of team environment do you thrive in?
  • What are your favorite types of projects to work on?
  • Are there any particular projects at our company that you are excited about?

The hiring manager or the company manager asked these kinds of questions because they want to know more about you, and they also want to know where and what you know about the company background.

Leadership and communication questions include:

  • Do you like working as part of a team while you're coding? What do you think contributes to a successful team?
  • How do you help your team members improve their coding skills?
  • How do you communicate your progress to clients and stakeholders?
  • Give me an example of how you would describe web development to someone completely new to tech.
  • When have you solved a problem that didn't involve coding?

Behavioral questions are such as:

  • Tell me about a project you're particularly proud of. What did you do that worked out well?
  • Tell me about a project that disappointed you. What would you change?
  • Tell me about a time you had to respond to negative feedback?
  • Tell me about a time when you got stuck while coding. How did you work your way through the problem?
  • Describe a time when you dealt with negative feedback?
  • Describe a time when your program didn't run. How did you troubleshoot your code?
  • Has your team ever failed to meet a deadline? What went wrong, and how did you address the situation?
  • How do you handle conflicts on your team?

They want to know how you work and handle pressure. More importantly, you can solve problems when you get stuck in a pressurized situation.

Development-related questions include:

  • How would you describe the role of a Web Developer? What are the most critical aspects of the job, and why?
  • What are the advantages of HTTP 2.0 over HTTP 1.1?
  • What is the difference between ID and Class selector?
  • What is the difference between null value and undefined value?
  • How is HTML different from XHTML?
  • What is type coercion in JavaScript?
  • What do you think will be the biggest trends in future web development?
  • What is the most significant difference between developing for mobile and desktop?
  • Provide a basic overview of push technology. What are its benefits and drawbacks?
  • How can Page Visibility API be functional?

Interview Questions You Should Ask a Web Developer

Your recruitment process is tailored to each organization and the web developer's responsibilities. These are some of the things you should consider doing:

  • Initial interview, either through audio or video calls.
  • If required by your company, an online aptitude tester competency test.
  • Technical coding tests comprise chiefly of programming interview questions that test the technical competency of the developer.
  • Final interview. You and the candidate should talk to each other face-to-face. If an in-person interview isn't viable, a video call is highly recommended at this stage.

Skills needed

To become a web developer, you'll need various hard and soft skills to succeed in this role. Besides from interview question, the company also requires multiple other talents. Here are some of the most common skills to have in this role:

  • HTML/CSS skills: HTML is the most used markup language across the web, and web developers use it to create web pages on the Internet. CSS, on the other hand, is used to style the website. It's responsible for choosing fonts, colors, and layout in a website's design. In contrast, HTML lays the foundation for a webpage, CSS styles it.
  • Analytical skills: it's essential to understand the needs of your customers or clients. You'll need to analyze their wants and needs and be ready to adapt to any changes they'd like to see implemented on the website. The better you understand your client, the better your website will turn out for them.
  • Responsive design skills: If you work as a web developer, it's crucial to understand how responsive design works. Because many people view web pages both online and on their mobile devices, the websites you create need to adapt to the changing screen sizes. If your website isn't responsive, it won't be compatible with either the desktop site or the mobile site. In other words, it won't function or show up properly on either of these platforms.
  • JavaScript skills: JavaScript is an essential language for a web developer because JavaScript is a high-level programming language that implements complex features onto a website. This involves moving elements, search bars, videos, or interactive maps on a webpage.
  • Interpersonal skills: you must have good interpersonal skills with the client, including good body language, active listening skills, the ability to collaborate and an overall good work ethic, and a positive attitude.
  • Testing and debugging skills: As a web developer, it's essential to continuously test your web page for any possible errors. Should any arise, you should also know how to debug it. Testing makes sure your coding is doing what it's supposed to and will come down to either functional testing or unit testing. Test and debugging your webpage is essential in this role consistently and effectively.
  • Back-end development basics: you'll need to know to understand the fundamental of the back-end web development roles, such as how servers work as well as APIs, SQL, databases, and cybersecurity. These are essential skills to know related to a web page's server-side.
  • Search engine optimization: you will need to understand the function of search engine optimization because website traffic is becoming more and more critical to companies. If a website has good SEO, it'll attract a more significant number of webpage visitors by showing up high enough in search engine result pages. Because more and more companies are looking to have good SEO, it's an essential skill to have as a web developer.
  • Be a good listener. When you're at work, it's vital to engage with your clients and thoroughly understand their concerns and needs.
  • Pay attention to trends. Web development trends are bound to change over the years. The more you are on top of your skills and the more you can adapt, the better.
  • Manage your time. When you can effectively manage your time, you leave little room for errors in your coding. This ensures you're not rushing through your work hastily.

Practice coding

The more you write code, the more experienced you'll become. This will help your skills, but it'll help you catch mistakes that you can avoid in the future. You can practice through various free online programs. As long as you're consistent, you'll see improvements.

Research the company background

Dig through the company's official website to understand what it is all about to make sure if the company manager asks the question related to the company. Use Google to track down press releases, news articles, blogs, and even social media posts about the company.

Learn something new

If there's a programming language you don't have experience in, consider taking a course. This will help you get out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself in a new skill that could work hand-in-hand with your current skillset.

Take a break

Taking the time to let your mind rest could be the boost you need when you come back to work. If you're constantly working, this could lead to you feeling run down and burned out.

Practice improving your interpersonal skills

You can improve your interpersonal skills by being more mindful of your body language, the way you respond in certain situations, and being a better listener overall.

Find a mentor. A professional mentor is typically a superior you respect and trust. Once you find your mentor, you can reach out for informal meetings, which naturally develop into a professional relationship.




A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.