What is VR

4 min readMar 18, 2021


Understanding the basics of a VR website makes for a positive customer experience. Companies looking to get into the VR gaming platform are going to want to know the basics. It would be beneficial to understand the moving pieces that go into what VR is. Among these are sensory feedback, interactivity, and virtual world, etc. If any of the fundamentals are not met on a VR website, the customer experience and review will reflect just that. Among the basics is an important factor which is video games. It is interesting to see which ones will be a hit and which ones will fall flat. It all depends on what customers are looking to experience in the virtual world.


Virtual World

What is Virtual reality? It is a computer-generated simulation where a person can interact inside a three-dimensional artificial environment through electronic devices, a headset helmet screen, gloves, and/or goggles with sensors. These accessories are necessary to experience the full effect of virtual reality. The description explains why anyone would want to try it out. The goal is to have a VR website that makes the experience worth trying out. To do this, we have to start with the basics of a VR website. This would include a compatible browser with enough memory and data to host the VR website. Having the applicable accessories, immersion in the sense of users really getting the effect of being in the game virtually. Sensory feedback, interactivity, and the future of VR.


Immersion into virtual reality. This is the idea that you are physically in a world that is not physical. The immersion is created by the user's accessories, such as the sounds, images, sensory vibrations provided by the gloves, helmet, or controller. You feel isolated and, in a sense, transported into a different world. All this without having left where you started the experience from. The web has the power to bring virtual reality to every developer, to every consumer, and the world. The web can show that VR is for more than video games. VR can be used to enhance everything we currently do on the web and even enable new interactions only possible in an immersive medium.

Sensory Feedback

Sensory feedback is a huge factor in ensuring that your VR website is functioning properly. Because there are many factors needed for a successful trial run of your website, you have to make sure that all sensory components work without any glitches. For example, the type of headset helmet is imperative to the success of the program. Working out the kinks is all part of the process. Continue to test the product. Have different age groups test the product as well. This way, you will get feedback on what does and does not work for your website, and you can adjust accordingly.

Virtual Reality Experience

VR experience can only be possible if all parts involved are in working order. Consider the platform on which the VR website will be played on. The two main platforms for VR are complete opposites of each other: from a high-end desktop computer with advanced controllers and mid-to high-level mobile phones, which might have only a single rotation-tracked controller or no controller at all. Figuring out how to make a user-friendly experience across all platforms is a difference-maker selling your VR website to reach as many users as possible.


Interactivity within a VR website is important. How you choose to create this is up to the creator, but I have found a few ideas on making this a more interactive experience. You can add the wind effect by using fans, adjust the temperature with the AC or heaters. Props are a fun interactive tool as well, anything from swords, shields, blocks, etc. Provide an interactive space through smells like smoke or perfume. The scent of certain environments can seem real with this effect. Nets, spiderwebs, trees, any of these props give an interactive experience to the user with just a few more props added.

Future of Virtual Reality

What does the future of VR look like? We realize that user attention spans are getting shorter, and websites are getting more congested and overloaded. The complexity of necessary accessories and props can be seen as a hassle to a potential user, especially because so many gaming websites require a controller and headset at the most. This hindrance can impact the success of a VR website. On the other hand, the gaming experience is the end all be all, so if this is successful, so will your VR website.

The video games that you can experience in the VR setting are endless, so this is a great determining factor in the future of VR. They could be around for a very long time. It is essential to be mindful of these factors when it comes to creating your VR website. The convenience of taking the VR experience with you anywhere is something to take note of, as this will be the determining factor for VR in the long run. Learning and development are things that the VR experience brings to your fingertips. VR still has a long way to go, but for the most part, it is gaining enough attention to stick around for us to find out if the experience is worth it.

The question is, would it be worth the effort to create such an immersive experience for the larger crowd. NO! There are not enough potential clients that utilize VR hardware to browse online. I would say that website design with the inclusion of VR will come but is not mainstream yet.




A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.