Mistakes Programmers Make

Top 10 mistakes developers can avoid.

5 min readDec 30, 2022

Being a beginner in anything comes with challenges we all face at some point in our lives. There is no exception when it comes to coding. There are many coding concepts and languages to learn, which sometimes overwhelms me. That is why there are ten joint programming and coding mistakes made by first-time coders.


According to Anthony Grant, the ten common issues programming issue experienced by first-time coders is repetitive code, wrong variables name, not using comments, language overload, not backing up code, complicated code, not asking questions, not planning, not taking a break, and finally not having fun.

To detail those ten common issues first-time coders face, we will start with repetitive code. This talks about repeating code as is “easy trap to fall into”.

1. Variables.

They need to give their variables a better name. “Variables are essential in programming no matter which language.”

For example, (num1, which could mean the first input number) Having a good variable name makes this more accessible and helpful if you need to return to the code later.

2. Annotating Code.

You are not using the comments. “Comments are the documentation of your code,” which helps you and other programmers understand what your code is about.

3. Re-Using Code.

Beginners need to be more comfortable and familiar with loops and functions. These are shortcuts and the easiest way to repeat a code to do something if needed.

4. Language Overload.

A problem that overloads growing developers is the barrage of new languages and technologies. It can be overwhelming because there is always something new to learn, whether language or technology. But if you focus on the basics as a programmer, you are a problem solver, so with practice and experience, everything will fall into place. The way you can overcome this challenge is to take notes of the things you learn and review them as much as you can. This way, when the time comes that you must use a specific language to code in, you have something to help you start. It can help you refresh what you know and new things you might have missed.

5. Not Backing Up Code.

It can be frustrating to lose all your hard work just because you need to back up your work. As a beginner, you have yet to build the habit of saving your work, so it is common to forget. To ensure you don’t lose your job, you can do a few things to help you. To start, there is always the primary thing you can do is have your auto safe on. According to a YouTube channel called Choobtorials, you can save a python file in IDLE and run it as a script; this works for both Windows and MAC computers.

6. Complicated Code.

Code is not meant to be difficult, nor does it make you a “smarter” person just by understanding a complicated code. The main point of coding is to

“get down to the heart of the problem you want to solve and solve it effectively.”

According to I Am Tim Corey, a YouTuber, you can face a complicated code in three ways. The first one is to read any documentation provided. This can help you better understand what you are being asked to do. The second thing you can do is talk to someone more experienced and have more knowledge; in that process, take notes so you can go back and review it if you’re going through a similar situation. And final is to test the unit. This means your research more and find examples of similar code being processed; this can help you understand where to start or how the outcome is supported.

7. Lack of Questions

First-time coders need to ask more questions. Since there is always something new to learn when it comes to programming, it is essential to be open-minded and better understand the new concept.

“The best thing you can do is read and study programming to get better, but when you need some additional guidance, do not be afraid to ask questions.” (Grant, 2019)

This advice can help any programmer improve their knowledge and skill.

8. Planning.

Programming is all about solving problems; having a plan can significantly help. One of the first things to do to solve any issue is to identify the problem and what you want the outcome to be like. According to How to plan a coding project in 8 easy steps by educative.io, there are eight essential steps to take while planning. List all features and entities, map the project architecture, mark entities for setup, add pseudocode to your diagram, and make a schedule.

9. Not Taking A Break.

As a developer, you will face many problems that need to be solved; you can also find yourself in a position where you feel overwhelmed. Since programming requires you to look at a screen for a long time, you can experience headaches and neck pain. Therefore, you must take a break and take time off-screen.

10. Not Having Fun.

Coding can be challenging, frustrating, and sometimes a downright grind, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any positive side to being a programmer. If you love solving problems, learning new things, and creating something unique, then being a programmer can bring excitement.


Whether you graduate and go through job interviews or start your programming career, coding will be fun and engaging, and you will always feel energized. Everyone faces challenges, and these challenges make us stronger. Feeling confident when making these common mistakes while learning to be a program is essential to stay abreast and competitive with other developers. When it comes to coding, it is necessary to be open to learning new things and seek help to succeed in this field. Reading books on the subject matter and checking out resources will only help make life easier.




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