How to Promote a Blog During A Pandemic

8 min readMay 19, 2020


We've all been reading blogs while at home, blogs about unemployment, the impact on the economy, research on the Coronavirus, and the list goes on.

But what about writing your very own blog? Managing a blog for your business?

If you're considering writing a blog? Then read on…

A great blog must have witty content, some well-founded ideas, or a lot of beautiful pictures. It used to take a lot of effort to be perfect, but now you don't have to work so hard. This guide will help you present your blog to as many readers as possible.

Use Twitter!

1. Post your blog on Twitter. Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites to publish all your blog posts. It is designed to post information quickly. On the surface, tweeting is an effortless task, but you should take some time to plan your twitter carefully, especially important as your global fans grow.

2. Write an eye-catching opening remark in your "tweet." Don't just write a "new blog!" And attach a link to the blog post. Most users don't click on it because they don't want to know it. You can also write an aspect of the blog post at the beginning. If you're going to write some fashion tips, you can write something like, "Want to know what to wear at a nightclub tonight?" It's also attractive. Make sure you can direct readers to your blog.

● Use your questions to readers as your opening remarks, such as "Want to lose a few pounds before the swimsuit season?"

● Suggest making your wisdom feel needed by readers. For example, "ten financial management skills."

● Write something real and incredible. "Thirty million people can't be wrong!"

● Schedule your blog post. As your fans continue to grow, you will find that readers who browse your blog are from different time zones. Eight hours after you tweet, they will tweet again, and your tweet will probably be missing. A social media tool like HootSuite can schedule a Twitter schedule.

● Try to post when your fans are most active. It's best to tweet it in the morning and then during the day. These tweets will bring you new fans online for the first time that day.

● When posting the same article, use a new lead to keep your tweets from being bland.

3. Spread a little blog post to update Twitter. Don't just use Twitter as a place to post blog links. If your fans only see blog links on your Twitter, they will gradually become bored with those URLs. You can add a little insight or reply to other Twitter users.

Use Other Social Media


Facebook is a great social media platform! Post a blog on Facebook. When you publish a blog post, attach a link to Facebook, and introduce your article to friends and family in the message circle. They don't look like your significant long-term readership, but if they share it with others, your followers can grow.

When your blog is popular, you will likely see a dynamic increase in Facebook, as readers and bloggers will add you as a Facebook friend.


Send your picture on Pinterest. If you have a blog with the function of publishing photographs, the photos on the blog are sent to Pinterest to increase your traffic because Pinterest focuses on images, so it is useless to post only text.

Stumble Upon

Submit your blog posts to StumbleUpon and add them to the book tagging service. Be sure to position your article correctly so that readers interested in it will appreciate it.

Popular Websites

You can also put your blog posts on popular websites, such as Digg and Reddit. They both have millions of users, and this is an excellent way to share your blog. If those users like your article, they will link your blog to the top and write their opinions and comments.

Comment on Others' blogs

Find some similar blogs.

Find blogs in your area that have a broad readership. Give your deep insights to other bloggers and respond instantly to reviewers. Don't spam your blog links and put search engine keywords in the comment box. Everyone should communicate with each other and treat each other in good faith to find your blog readers who share your interests.

Comment frequently.

Become part of the online community, the higher your reputation in other people's blogs, the more visits to your blog. Some more famous bloggers may link to your articles and even collaborate with you on some blog projects. You can also follow others.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) should be used correctly. That does not mean an overkill or overuse of keywords. Many bloggers easily fall into a simple trap: over-linking the article leads to false and inaccurate content and impact flow. Readers will likely exit immediately because they open your link a little and see a bunch of cluttered keywords.

Data & Analytics Help!

Google Trends is a great tool that provides you an insight into what current trends are active online. Search terms and data on them help see what attracts people to visit your website, and you can also understand the hot search online. Hence, design what your readers are searching for, use an analyzer to see what your readers are searching for online, and then use these results to tailor your readers to articles that will interest them.

Content display

Every blogger needs to produce high-quality content because high-quality content is more accessible to promote :

1. Title

The title of the article still needs us to think about it carefully. Whether on a social media platform or in search results, the title is the first impression of a website visitor, so the title must attract readers. Start with a headline that catches the eye, and then make sure that the content of your blog or website meets high-quality standards.

2. Length of content

Multiple studies have shown that the longer the content, the more shares and the higher the search engine rankings.

At the same time, we should also consider the purpose of our segmentation and website content. The length of the content is generally better, but the quality of the content is far more critical than the number of words. After all, a piece of 5,000 words content is not suitable for everyone!

3. Content layout

Besides, the content layout is also essential, and we need to highlight relevant content. After all, most website visitors are just like a dragonfly, and at a glance, few people can calm down and read your content carefully. Therefore, we need to mark up the content. We can use subtitles and bullets to highlight important content.

We also need to make our content as visual and visual as possible, in various forms, including pictures, videos, screenshots, and charts. Nielsen once said that "Internet users will pay more attention to pictures with high information content and high correlation, but they will ignore those modified pictures without content."

Research Audience

Before writing a blog post, we should also consider our audience or customers. Your mind should probably have a rough picture and understanding of your audience, and then you can produce content that appeals to your audience accordingly.

The tone of the article

Once you know your target audience, you should also consider writing tone. In what sound do you present your content to your audience and fans? Serious tone or humorous style? Formal or ridiculous?

You should set the tone of your article in advance. A great resource that can help you is Portent's Tone of Voice Generator.

Smart use of SEO

As any SEO expert would say, SEO should be approached strategically. Rather than putting all kinds of keywords in the article, it is better to put them in the most important place. # * Ensure that your topic has relevant keywords. This is the most critical part of your blog's appearance in search results.

● Write a solid and robust title. The blog title is the second most crucial aspect in determining search results. Any content in the "H1" headline will occupy a more significant proportion in the search results.

● Post positive content, but don't go too far. Enriched content is more valuable than articles piled up with keywords. First, make sure your blog has a good starting point and timeliness, and then use keywords relevant to the article's content to make the article more optimistic.


Create a mailing list.

With the development of social media, e-mail is often ignored by us. Virtually everyone in our daily lives and work still uses e-mail. Creating a mailing list can help you connect with your most passionate readers.

Ask a friend to help you forward the message.

If you know some friends who work in the same field or industry, you can ask them to help you forward the mail. Conversely, you can also help them repost blog posts. However, don't ask your friends to repost every blog post. Over time, you will lose a lot of e-mail contacts.

Post some current events.

Writing a newsletter allows fans to browse the latest news in your blog. You can summarize the story yourself and attach a link to the full report. Using newsletters is an excellent way to keep diving fans following you.

Promote your blog.

E-mail your proud blog posts to your friends, other bloggers, or mainstream publishers. Don't post every updated article, and you can gradually increase your e-mail volume. If this article you posted is fascinating, bloggers are likely to reprint it on their blogs, boosting views. When you don't promote your blog, new fans are lost.

Work Hard

Take the time to run your blog every day. Even if you don't update your blog, you should be active in your blog community. When you don't promote your blog, new fans are lost.

Write a daily plan.

Come up with a daily action plan and make sure you have achievable goals. For example: Write a two-page article and find three blog posts that interest you. You don't have to complete your goals every day, but continuously working towards your goals can keep you active in the blogosphere, and your fans will continue to increase.

Strengthen personal connections

Try to stay in direct contact with other bloggers and fans, and follow 100 people every day, which helps to exchange ideas and build your blog. You may not build 100 friendships every day, but as long as you persist, the circle of friends will expand significantly.

Take Away on Blogging

Blogging may be a challenge when you first start, but it will become a habit over time. More importantly, it will help your online presence! If you don't have the time or energy to be blogging, you could consider a web design and online marketing agency!

Visualwebz offers professional web design and online marketing services. A Seattle-based web design agency, we deliver custom websites, content writing, SEO, and online marketing to a range of businesses.




A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.