2023 highest-paying web development jobs

Don't be left behind on web development.

7 min readDec 21, 2022

The significance of web development increases each day as tech advancement has taken the world by storm. Web development has introduced a way to build functional and user-friendly websites and web applications. This creative process is done by integrating computer programming and innovative design. Ever since Tim-Berners Lee developed the web in 1994, the world of the web has grown immensely as new technologies and programs have been created to keep us ahead in communication and marketing. Web development has proven to be beneficial to the world through the increased improvement in access to information. Being a web developer has several advantages ranging from excellent salaries to many other benefits. This article will begin by describing the qualities that make it fascinating to work in web development. The report will then discuss some of the highest-paying jobs in web development, their average salaries, as well as the responsibilities of those positions. Subsequently, it'll provide knowledge on how to begin working as a web developer and the many benefits of it.

Excellent pay and work-life balance.

One of the most attractive qualities of web development is the pay it provides to its candidates. Although how much you get paid depends on your experience, a web developer's average salary in Seattle, Washington, is $94,448, according to Glassdoor. Brain Station states that technology is growing, and the employment of web developers is also expected to grow by 8% by 2029, which is "much faster than the average for job roles." And with high demand comes the gift of an excellent salary, ensuring a comfortable life for you and your family. It also allows you to specialize in a series of skills ranging from soft skills to hard skills. You can take these skills and work full-time for a company or even become your boss and work wherever you please if you can access the Internet.

What are the differences between front-end, back-end, and full-stack development?

There are many job roles for web developers; however, the essential parts of a web developer include front-end development, back-end development, and full-stack development. According to Brain Station, front-end development is focused on what the user sees when using an app or website and its usability. Front-end development mainly relies on using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS languages. A front-end developer's average salary is between $60,000-$98,000 annually. Back-end development, on the other hand, isn't about the visual aspects of an application or website but instead focuses on the functionality of the websites or applications. It pertains to the server, database, and application ensuring all components work smoothly. Backend developers can work with various programming languages, such as SQL, Python, and Ruby, or even coding languages, such as HTML5 and C++, for creating mobile applications. They earn a handsome salary of $67,000-$99,000 per year. Full-stack developers earn a higher average salary than front-end and back-end developers, earning about $69,000-$108,500 annually. This is because the role is the combination of both front-end development and back-end development. A web developer with full-stack development skills must confidently know the languages above.

How did DevOps change the tech industry?

The next set of jobs vary in their roles and are paid higher salaries than those listed above. Among the first are DevOps engineers. They have significantly improved customer satisfaction and have been the reason for the vanishing of barriers and disagreements between development and operations teams. Therefore, DevOps engineers are a combination of these teams working together effectively. They work as the middlemen to ensure that development and testing are well managed and successfully assist in increasing speed and productivity. They can also correct problems in a project by smoothly detecting any issues. Ultimately a DevOps engineer is responsible for the well-ordered running of a company's IT infrastructure. Their average salary is $93,500-$135,500 per year.

SREs complement DevOps

While DevOps helped teams collaborate better and deliver reliable software faster, they need someone dedicated to increasing site reliability and performance, and that's where SRE comes in. Site reliability engineers (SREs) work closely with DevOps. They sit between traditional IT and software development and thus build and implement software to ensure reliable systems that fix issues; they respond to incidents and usually take on-call responsibilities. Even though in this role you might not be interacting with HTML, CSS, and JS and building or maintaining a website daily, you are expected to know them along with major cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Linux. Their total compensation in Seattle is $155,356. Big Tech companies such as Google can pay as high as 223,127.

UI developers and how customers transformed our lives.

On the other hand, what do User Interface (UI) developers do? Before we answer that, think of your favorite website or an app where you like to hang out the most. What do you like about it? Is it because of the complementing colors on the screen, the images, the animations, or, most importantly, how easy it is to use and the enjoyable experience you get from it? That's what a UI developer does. They translate software design concepts and ideas into front-end technology. In other words, UI developers ensure that the user who will interact with the application interface is pleased with it, and they are much more than HTML and CSS. According to career foundry, their average total compensation is $98,546, above average US household income.

WebSphere commerce developers

WebSphere commerce developers must embrace developing and designing each front and backend part for numerous eCommerce proposals. A WebSphere Commerce developer builds and delivers technical capabilities for a commerce application. They focus on providing quality software to ensure the objectives of a business are met. Alternative responsibilities embrace helping to gather the necessities, designing practicality, and finishing software upgrades as required. They support distributors, customers, and dealers by responding to queries, testing, merging applications, and converting information. They're additionally expected to coordinate with alternative team members and supply direction as requested. Overall, WebSphere commerce developers are helpful to businesses in growing online and generating higher revenues. Through this supportive role, they can earn an average salary of $110,500-$141,500 per year.

Graphic programmers and Web Methods.

If you want to include higher-quality animations and images, look as far as a graphics programmer. They usually work on developing games and ensuring they are as good as possible; they can also create 2D and 3D graphics if needed for a website. We won't go in-depth into this field as it doesn't necessarily impact web development and is not necessarily a web developer field. However, they are in great demand and make an excellent salary of $146,725. On the other hand, webMethods was a software company founded in 1996 focused on application and business integration. The company sells systems to organizations to use their web services and connect software applications over the internet, and their average annual salary is $110,671 in Seattle. Even though the wage looks good, I recommend people to become web methods developers if it's niche specific. There are many integration companies/services out in the tech world now.

Become a JS expert, and you will have a job.

JavaScript engineers earn about $104,500-$144,000 per year. These developers are focused more on the functionality of websites and web applications. They specialize in effectively using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Unlike HTML and CSS, which establish appearance and structure, JavaScript targets interactivity to strengthen users' experience. This can be seen in examples like Twitter. When you use the refresh button, you can see a new group of tweets made possible through JavaScript. JavaScript engineers are responsible not just for functionality but also connecting the back end's services with the front end's elements. Once they have built their software, they must maintain its functionality and quality.

Everything data!

Data scientists work with data and everything revolving around data. They gather vast data using statistical, analytical, and programming techniques. They then take this collected data, clean it, interpret it, and draw meaningful conclusions. Data scientists will then present the results of these interpretations through data visualizations and explicit language. These techniques can bring unique and helpful solutions to a business's challenges. Data scientists must possess excellent communication, analytical, and technical skills, as what they do is aimed at helping a company make better decisions. If you have these skills, then data science may be proper. These data specialists earn an average of $140,232 per year.

Opportunities for students after completing school.

The requirements and skills typically vary to start a web development career. You have the freedom to explore a non-traditional route by either taking a course offered specifically for web development or being self-taught. You may also choose to go to college or university; acquiring a bachelor's in computer science is the traditional route that most people wanting to work in web development choose. However, the most common minimum education is an associate degree. Although a conventional education is not a top priority to becoming a web developer, it is encouraged as it'll help you work well with others and master your programming skills.


Many pathways in Computer Science can lead to web development careers. The most important skill you need to possess is knowledge of programming languages and how to put them to use. Also, thrive on being the best, especially with AI being a core part down the road! In fact, utilize and embrace new technologies!

Once you have these skills, you must visit the websites of different companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and LinkedIn, which offer many entry-level and internship opportunities to students and sometimes a returning offer to their former interns. As you can imagine, these companies give many benefits and top salaries, which leads to fierce competition.

Therefore, you should open your net and apply to other companies. You can also freelance at companies like Upwork and Fiver to gain experience. Once you gain a little knowledge, your salary can change by more than 50%




A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.